
The Debut

So this is it...time to skinny down! Well now, not exactly that, but time to get healthy. Time to motivate ourselves and hopefully a few others in the process. There's really no time like the present, we can all make the excuses, but if we aren't taking care of our bodies, it's because of just that...our own excuses. C'mon we're stronger than that!  Sure sometimes it's going to suck, sometimes it's going to hurt, and it's never going to be over, truly over...let's be real, this is a lifelong commitment.  We won't reach our goal and quit, we'll make a new goal. Continually striving for better.  It's never going to truly end so along the way we're going to find ways to enjoy it

We had a blast creating this blog, we aren't going to lie, we did if over plenty of unhealthy snacks and a lot of laughter. We love food, we love the way a warm chocolate chip cookie wafts through the air and settles into every fibre.  We love the way warm spinach dip melts on your tongues (yes, this is our vice) or even the way a summer BBQ hits you like a wall when you're walking down the road. We love the way a conversation is had over a mixing bowl or a cutting board; the way great memories are often centred around good food. We aren't going to stop indulging...oh no we are not! We're going to find our balance of healthy alongside the vices. We're going to learn to enjoy each, the good and the bad, in that way that keeps us healthy, but also keeps us satisfied. Food is a part of life. Neither one of us has ever used food in terms of eat to live...noooooo, we're firmly on the side of live to eat!  When we plan a road trip it's not what should we do first, it's never let's go to the mall and shop for this or that, definitely not which sights to stop at along the way, nor is it what activities to get to; sure the conversation usually gets around to those but never before we talk about which restaurants we should hit up while there.  It's habit, and probably not one we'll break out of anytime soon. 

We've signed up for this journey, each of us for our own personal reasons.  We've committed to this, we know it's going to be a hard, but along the way were going to try and enjoy (wait...enjoy? let's go with accept) the ride as best we can letting you in on our ups and downs, our triumphs and our set backs. When we hit those milestones its incredibly rewarding, we've both been there and we know the benefits. And truly any negativity is always outweighed by the benefits. We've seen each other put in tremendous effort and know that we are capable. We each bring our own strengths and weaknesses to the table. And with those, hopefully we can keep each other on track and motivated. In the end, it comes down to choice. We have the choice to put in the effort and reap the benefits or to choose not to, but we're the only ones who can do the work. We know what we've chosen. Now, what will you choose?

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