
Motivation = Success?

So here's my little dilemma...does motivation actually equal success? About a month ago I was getting my hair cut, as I was getting ready to leave, we started talking about my next appointment. We both agreed, it's time for a little colour. I've been dying to give red a whirl. I've been fair skinned all my life, as a kid, I had an abundance of freckles, not as many anymore but I've always had that red-burnt-takes-forever-to-tan kinda fair skin, I've learned to accept it, it's what I'm blessed with and truly the freckles, I've grown pretty partial to them. So, I cleared it with my stylist...{"How about red? Could I pull off red?"} She was definitely on board. I'm not sure who is more excited her or me. So it's set! December 10th I'll go from blonde to red.

When I got home that night, I decided with a new 'do on the horizon, I really needed to get down to business. I grabbed a calendar and figured out how many days 'til my next appointment, it turned out to be just over 30 days and with that, a plan started to form. I had a few days to get organized, I'm the type who needs a good game plan. I rooted through the dusty DVD collection, got my hands on a copy of Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred, promptly dusted it off and set it strategically on top of the TV stand. When I crawled into bed that night, I was giddy. The next day, I made myself a giant 30 day countdown calendar, apparently I'm also the type that does better with visual reminders, the calendar is prominently displayed on the bulletin board.

30 Day Countdown Calendar
I still had a few days before the start of my countdown, I got online and started looking for something to give me a little edge. I came across an episode of Dr. Oz, they were doing a spot on a weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia. It's an all natural supplement that is suppose to increase weight loss significantly. I can't remember exactly how it works, but with its claim to fame...well I was sold. I found a version that had all the Dr. Oz recommendations. So, I decided to add that to the workout regime and call it a day. It claims to help without any diet or exercise, well in that case it might double maybe triple my results. I was excited!

I started the thirty-day countdown on November 11 and started the supplement on the following Tuesday. I felt good, I had stepped up my eating habits, well there's definitely room for improvement here, but way better than the month before. I weighed in right before I started on day one. I took my measurements and was ready to push hard for the next month. The next Monday I hopped on the scale ecstatic to see my smaller number. Nothing, it was absolutely nothing. No change, not even an ounce. I was annoyed, I had skipped past devastated quickly and headed straight for annoyed. "Ok, it's just a fluke" I told myself. I got off the scale, let it reset and tried again. Still nothing, ok it's has to be the scale, I grabbed up anything in reach to add extra weight to see if the scale would register a different number. Yup, that did the trick. So, now there I was stripped down standing in my little washroom thinking "How is this possible. I've worked hard this week". I was ready to quit, be done with the whole thing, but I thought ok it was one week. Just keep going.

Week two, well again nothing, week three still nothing not an ounce. Not. One. Little. Ounce. I've felt pretty defeated this past week.  I've decided the supplements aren't for me, not to say they won't work for someone else, but I'm not convinced. So, no more supplements...I'd love to say the supplements are at fault, they must to be the reason the scale hasn't moved, but that sounds like an excuse, and I don't have room for excuses. They aren't my first attempt with some diet quick fix that I found online and probably won't be my last. I'll keep them in the arsenal...just in case.   

I have 8 days left in my thirty day countdown. I'll take my measurements on day 30 and see if there has been any change. I'm not optimistic about any change on the scale, but I will say this...I have not quit. I diligently get up and workout everyday and for me, this is success. In 8 days, when I'm sitting in that chair getting my hair coloured, I will be proud of myself. I may not have dropped a pound by then, but I have proven to myself that I can follow through with a plan, set a goal and finish {a few days still to go}. Motivation hasn't always been there, trust me it has wavered, my giddy first night disappeared pretty fast. I've been incredibly frustrated, I've wanted to quit, I've given myself every excuse I could come up with, I realize pushing through isn't necessarily motivation, it's just making the choice. Do we put too much emphasis on motivation? Is it more just getting out of our own way, maybe it's seeing success before motivation joins the party. Would it have been easier if the scale moved? Absolutely! I'm putting in the effort and that is a success for me. The scale will move, I have no doubt in that. Having almost reached my 30-day goal, I am ready to set another goal. So with that said...Motivation might not always equal success, but I think success always equals motivation.


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